Publish Date 2024-09-04
Tung Chung New Town Extension (West) Volunteer Team “Loving TC” organised a Tung Chung Stream Eco-Tour cum Clean-Up Activity

Tung Chung New Town Extension (West) (“TCW”) Volunteer Team "Loving TC" co-organised "Tung Chung Stream Eco-Tour cum Clean-Up Activity" with Green Power in July 2024 to raise public awareness of the natural ecology and conservation value of Tung Chung Stream.


At the beginning, the volunteer team introduced the ongoing revitalization works of Tung Chung Stream under the TCW project to the teachers and students from the Ho Yu College and the post-secondary student summer interns from the Sustainable Lantau Office of Civil Engineering and Development Department. Then, the participants cleaned the shoreline of Tung Chung Bay together and sorted the collected waste on the spot. The activity concluded with an ecological tour at the mangrove area of the estuary of Tung Chung Stream.


Both teachers and students greatly appreciated this meaningful activity, and all the participants were very happy to contribute to environmental protection while learning about ecological conservation.

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