Publish Date 2024-07-24
VSL-INTRAFOR-DHK-BYME:T-Park visit with Underprivileged Families

VSL-INTRAFOR-DHK-BYME brought together 14 underprivileged families from ELCHK, Login Club for an immersive day at T-Park on July 23, 2024. With the assistance of volunteers, the families engaged in an educational journey to discover T-Park's cutting-edge waste-to-energy operations.


As they explored the T-Park facilities, powered by electricity generated from the sludge incineration process, the families and volunteers gained insightful knowledge about recycling, resource recovery, and waste management. After a lunch at T-Café, the families and volunteers indulged in the T- Spa. It was a day filled not only with enjoyment but also with an appreciation for sustainable living practices.

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